Persistent Pain Therapy
UPsychology is recognised as providing tailored psychological therapy to individuals experiencing persistent pain.
Areas of speciality include individual counselling, pre surgical psychological screening and post surgical counselling.
Amy has extensive experience in assisting adults with varied mental health concerns. Utilising an evidenced based framework, Amy works with individuals to develop a treatment plan and work towards meeting your goals.
Amy provides supervision services to those seeking Counselling College endorsement with AHPRA. Amy is a Nationally accredited supervisor and also an assessor for STAP.
Additionally, Amy provides supervision of Masters students through UQ.
Please contact for more information
Since 2000
UPsychology is passionate about assisting individuals strive for greater quality in their lives. With over 20 years experience as a psychologist, Amy works in partnership with the individual experiencing mental health concerns, persistent pain or a combination of both to formulate and engage with a treatment plan to suit the goals. Therapy provided in the following areas;
- Persistent pain
- Anxiety
- Mood Disorders
- Adjustment to injury
- Fertility Concerns
- WorkCover
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Life transitions
- Personality Disorder